Wow. A German film awards ceremony ended up with a little egg on their face when a Ryan Gosling “lookalike” collected a prize for La La Land.

Here’s the thing. It was a set up all along. Two comedians – Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf – set up a fake agency and convinced showrunners of the Goldene Kamera awards, that Ryan Gosling would attend the show to accept an award.

When host Steven Gaetjen announced “one of the hottest stars in Hollywood… the one and only, Ryan Gosling”, out stepped a guy who wasn’t Ryan. Sure, he sort of looked like him. Sort of. Either way, a fake Ryan Gosling accepted a real award at a real awards show saying, “Good evening, I am Ryan Gosling! I dedicate this award to Joko and Klass, thank you very much. There is a saying in Hamburg, which is, ‘bye, bye!’”

The man’s real name is Ludwig Lehner, a cook from Munich.

WATCH as Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (the two comedians) admire their handywork unfold in real time. >

Filed under: Colin Farrell, Germany, Munich, Nicole Kidman, Ryan Gosling