We’re now knee-deep in the holidays. It’s a time to indulge for many, but there are ways to make healthier substitutions and still keep your holiday dishes delicious. Registered dietitian Courtney Cary offers some easy suggestions. For example, she says instead of using heavy cream in green bean casserole or creamed spinach, use fat-free half and half, and replace the solid fat in a recipe with butter or oil to make it more heart-healthy. Also, use low-fat or part-skim cheese to decrease the saturated fat further. She says, “Eating decadent and rich food one day out of the year won’t kill you, but that high concentration of saturated fat over multiple days from leftovers can have an impact.

Here are FOUR tips to help during the holidays:

1. Use a small plate, to help balance portions. This will come in handy at potlucks or buffets.
2. Don’t forget the VEGGIES! Start with the vegetable dishes first
3. Take 10 mins before taking seconds, allowing your body to digest. You’d be surprised, you will most likely feel satisfied without going back for more.
4. Eat slowly. Take your time and enjoy the company of others. Chewing your food longer breaks it down more which helps your stomach digest it. In addition, when you eat slowly, you give your brain a heads up to signal your stomach to let the digestion begin.

Filed under: Christmas 2022 content