Spring cleaning?   Want to have your house feeling and smelling ohhh so fresh!  Try mopping your walls!  Yup.  Mopping your walls…..this simple solution will leave your walls looking their brightest and give your home that “oh so clean” smell.



Make sure you use a different mop than the one you use on your floors.  The sponge mops are the best!

Using Dawn Dish Soap along with hot water is all you need!  Simply drop a few teaspoons of Dawn Dish soap into a bucket and fill with hot (the hotter the better) water.   Taking your (wall) mop, simple dip into your mixture, ring out and start mopping!

Before you start, make sure you test a small area of your walls to ensure your paint or walls wont have a bad reaction to the solution.


BONUS hack:

Take your used dryer sheets and run them along your baseboards, this will help remove any dust and dirt build up easily.  Then you can use your damp mop to help clean them leaving them extra shinny and looking brand new!