These tips will help you fall asleep faster and ensure a better quality sleep throughout the night.

  1. A bedtime routine – this means going to bed at the same time each night and waking up the same time each morning, even on weekends.


  1. Relax and Wind Down – allowing yourself time before you actually fall asleep to un-wind from the day and allow your body to relax. You can try some light mediation or reading.


  1. Declutter – even if you just make your bed each morning, having a fresh made bed will allow you to feel a sense of destress when you enter your room.


  1. Turn of your devices – turn your phone off. This way you wont be tempted to check emails or watch videos while you are trying to get your mind and body ready for sleep.


  1. Read a book – turning off the devices and reading is a great way to prepare your mind for a restful night’s sleep.