10 Fun Summer Activities for Your Kids…

  1. Bike rides. It can be fun to explore your own neighborhood or if the kids are older, you can take them on a bike trail.
  2. Make ice cream.  Instead of buying your ice cream…make it!
  3. Meet friends at the local playground.  Make a play date and meet up with some friendly faces.
  4. Have a picnic at a local park. The entire family can help prepare and pack the lunch.
  5. Sidewalk chalk murals.   Fun, colourful and art the entire neighborhood can enjoy!
  6. Backyard camping.  Can’t find a campground?  Not to worry, set up a tent right in your own backyard, the kids will love it!
  7. Backyard stargazing.   Set up some big blankets and enjoy looking at the stars with the entire family.
  8. Go hiking.  There are so many trails in and around your community, make sure you research ahead and don’t forget to take water.
  9. Fly a kite.   This can be a fun activity on a windy day!  Make sure you are in an open and clear area.
  10. Make a video. Are you kids into TikTok?  Try making one together as a family. If not TikTok, just make a silly video on our phone.  It can be a fun memory to look back on one day.